Gas grills with spits which thanks to their advanced design provide easy use,economic function and attractive appearance. Their speciality in design to remove spits by opening a door allows easier load-unload and also they are easily cleaned. In every spit we can put 6-7 chicken, lamp or pig. Such as the other chicken grills of SER GAS, have a grease – collector in which the user puts some water to reduce the smoke of grease that dribbles. Finally, the big surface of glass and the inner light makes these appliaces impressive in appearance.As with all gas appliances made by SER GAS, the burner nozzle can be adjusted for any sort of gas. They are CE approved.
Technical data
Length (mm) 1450
Depth (mm) 640
Height (mm) 1080
Height with heating cabinet(mm) 1880
Spits: 5
Length of spit(mm) 1180
Power (kW) 18
Capacity-chickens: 35
Gas Consumption LPG-G30 (kg/h) 1,41
Gas Consumption N.G.-G20 (m3/h) 1,89
Electric connection 230V